Monday, 27 May 2013

Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind (Kaze no tani no Naushika) (1984)

Take one from anime legend Hayao Miyazaki in laying out his trademark spiritual fantasies and captivating ecological fables. Nausicaa has plenty of charm and a beautiful design to delight the senses. However it does feel somewhat a dry run for higher achievements to come. Thematically he covered the same ground again, with greater richness and depth in Princess Mononoke. The ideas are here, and, it must be commended, were somewhat ahead of the game, cropping up again and again in later western films such as Ferngully and Avatar, as well as much of Miyazaki's subsequent work. However the storytelling and character development is clunky. Heroes are po-faced and humourless, and even though the plot is simple, I frequently had to remind myself who was doing what to who and why, as motivations are not well defined. Worth seeking out, especially for fans of studio Ghibli. But not quite the early masterpiece sometimes claimed.

Rating: 3/5

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Iron Man 3 (2013)

Solidly enjoyable fluff. A meaty middle act of top level banter with Robert Downey Jr. out in the cold doing the full sassy-grump and just about the most stunningly unexpected bad guy awesomeness from Sir Ben that I've seen in a comic book movie; bookended by two fairly forgettable CGI bloated animations of stuff blowing up and merchandise opportunities hitting each other. It's entirely possible that I'm missing the point here, but I think I'd truly love an Iron Man movie without any Iron Men in it. (nb: contains the second-best throwaway reference to Croydon in recent movie history).

Rating: 3/5